As more than 90 percent of Americans now know, this winter has been exceptionally cold. According to recent reports, about 104 million of the 116 million American households are experiencing higher heating bills this winter.
Colder weather obviously means that your heater will have to run more in order to keep up with the chills, but there are some effects of this weather that might not be so apparent.
For example, increased demand for electricity, natural gas, and propane stretches supply and leads to even higher prices. That’s why your heating bill may increase by a much larger proportion than your actual energy usage. Increased demand can also create other problems, such as delayed deliveries of propane to rural areas.
Colder temperatures have even created noticeably higher heating costs in comparably warmer US states like Arkansas. Many households in the South use electric furnaces, which tend to be less prone to price spikes in time of increased demand. Still, customers who use electric heat have been experiencing significant jumps in their heating bills this winter.
The bills may not stop for some customers after this winter is over, especially for those with older furnaces. Colder weather means more furnace usage, and that leads to more wear and tear. Winters like these are why we so strongly recommend a furnace inspection from one of our heating and cooling professionals in the fall.
But if this winter has proved to be too much for your furnace, don’t panic. Our heating and cooling professionals can get your furnace working again quickly. Since we know furnaces can break down at any time of the day or night, BR McGinty has technicians on call 24 hours a day.
If you have been having trouble with your furnace, BR McGinty is here to help you get back to being warm. Give us a call at 501-847-6800 in Arkansas or contact us online for all of your heating, cooling, and plumbing needs.